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Ask Me Anything What Are The Unique Ways To Earn Cryptocurrency At Home

I would have recommended a category on passive earning crypto using crypto based web browsers such as Brave Browser which pays people in BAT to use their browser if they enable brave ads or Cryptotab Browser which passively mines monero and pays out in bitcoin as one naturally uses their web browser.

Both products are top notch crypto projects that are great introductory points for people new to crypto that also helps them get those firt coins with relative ease.

I think those would have been better openers for people than investing, trading and mining. :)

That aside I loved you mentioning hard forks as they are a forgotten method and buying coins knowing a split is coming is a brilliant way of making money.

Also loved the recommendation of writing for crypto's. I made a few thousand in BTC writing for NEXT exchange. I also made some decent BTC doing community moderation in telegram for blockonomics.

Overall great article with some great outside the box thinking.