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Recent content by Marc

  1. Marc

    Astrology is Surging in Canada

    Very good idea to simply shift the fight against Corona between the sun and the 3rd house of Jupiter!! :eek::D
  2. Marc

    Official Time for Me to Go...Sort Of, Mostly

    So shocked :eek: and even more sad :( to hear this !!! :affiliatefix: Au revoir, première dame :affiliatefix:
  3. Marc

    Prosecutor wants to add 57 crimes to Rui Pinto's charge

    Rui Pinto is a Portuguese whistleblower, founder of Football Leaks. [Sent from a corona-free device :ninja:]
  4. Marc

    Income lost due to Coronavirus

    I have created my Avatar-mask It will kill all spam and viruses and secure my income for the next months!!! :ninja:;)
  5. Marc

    Income lost due to Coronavirus

    ... and I thought they were finally gone ... forever ... :D
  6. Marc

    Do you take Vitamins or Supplements?

    Ah, now I finally understand why product-, webinar- and system-sellers always use the words may, could, might... :D
  7. Marc

    Is 12 Min. Affiliate Program Legit

    Haven't you read your contract before ya signed up for the work ?? In the disclaimer its clearly stated "there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this product." --> So, where's the prob ?!?
  8. Marc

    Do you take Vitamins or Supplements?

    Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins [not an aff link !!!] For further discussion, please contact the author of the book Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD Cure in science means: proven.
  9. Marc

    Do you take Vitamins or Supplements?

    Here's the rescue: + for the ones who <3 reading: Vitamin C Saves Wuhan Family from COVID-19 Get well !! Absolutely correct. This is their way of defending themselves against herbivores - and vegetarians and vegans are a kind of herbivores, too. (Plants don't like it to be eaten by...
  10. Marc

    Official VOTE for New Dojo Name

    LOL - 10 months since the announcement... Yeah, freakin' NOTHING ;):p
  11. Marc

    I couldn't stop laughing

    nice video-compilation o_O
  12. Marc

    Google Chrome Will Block Pop-Ups

    Sorry guys, but I just found this article: Chrome 80 will block Push-Notifications :p So happy new year o_O:p
  13. Marc

    Google Chrome Will Block Pop-Ups

    The new browser update will be based on user behavior, i.e. whether someone clicks away the popups immediately or responds, and it will automatically block popups on sites with very low opt-in-rates, so it is primarily user-oriented, but not advertising-oriented. IMHO the blocking of...
  14. Marc

    Google Chrome Will Block Pop-Ups

    Sup guys, just discovered, the new version of Google's browser, Chrome 80, will block popups by default from February 2020 on. For further information: Chrome update will kill off annoying notification popups :eek: The next blow against advertising ... :mad:
  15. Marc

    Happy New Year to All

    :) A Successful New Decade 2 Everyone ;)